Assalamualaikum :)
quiz for today is how beautiful is your true self . teragak-agak aku nak post pasal benda ni. tapi nie kan blog pasal diri aku , sooo , tak salah aku nak berkongsi. boleh la korang tahu siapa sebenarnya aku .
answer : Seems like you've been hurt in the past, but that's not stopping you from going on. You will be happy if you want to be happy. Life is meaningful to you and so are others. Kind yet clever, you are deep on the insides, slightly cold and distant. Happy and wise are something you portray to others subconscious.
comment : semua orang pernah disakiti dan selepas tu, semua dah macam insaf xnak disakiti dah . sakit oooo . tapi semua orang yang pernah disakiti tu , layak untuk bahagia semula . aku seorang yang betul-betul ikot kepala sendiri. apa yang aku nak , aku nak jugak . hidup sangat meaningful . betol ! 100% agreed.
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